Thursday, November 1, 2018

DO IT - even if a little afraid

OK, it is that time again - and I am SUPER EXCITED to BE, DO & Blog - Like Crazy! I knew this day would come, yet, even up until I awoke this morning, I still had not fully settled on my exact blogging path(s) [for this challenge]. There are some life, health, business/financial goals I am pursuing, yet I was unsure which one would be my #BlogLikeCrazy theme.

Finally, I made up my mind. Just as I DECIDED and Stopped eating meat. I DECIDED to stop consuming artificial sugar and ingredients I cannot pronounce. Despite Purposefully choosing healthier options - with the exception of the “great white, tempting, yet satisfyingly delicious devil” - I have gained a LOT of weight lately 🤦🏽‍♀️😩😱😬🙄.

This is how my midsection looks Today 😩😩😩

Yet, this is how I will look (some) Tomorrow - I WILL eventually look this way 😉

It is NOT merely for physicality that I desire this body - but for Overall FREEDOM, FITNESS and FABULOUS (ness)! The dangers of visceral fat are real - along with stress and general dissatisfaction with One’s present life. Thankfully, I am able to Decide and Make necessary changes.

For me it is ABC: At the Beginning Cleanse. Why put fresh delicious food on a filthy plate? To begin my Quest to My Ultimately Desired, Free Fit & Fab Body and LIFE - it is imperative to start Clean & Fresh - thus this journey...

I will chronicle my journey - the Highs, Lows and Whoas, that are bound to happen, as I FREE my Life from the evil, addictive clutches of artificial sugar.

All God made natural sugars are mine to enjoy and reach satiety.

Oh, I forgot to share my slight fear 😬😳... I am 99.99999% Happy, Friendly and Pleasant - although it is natural, it is also My Choice .. yet, as I set out on my Freedom Quest, I am very concerned, the grumps of withdrawal may slightly plague me and pleasing personality .. but, I am moving forward. IF I feel “less-than-stellar,” I will remove myself from people’s presence as much as possible to avoid possible catastrophe 😅.

I will also be recording my journey - so please listen along:

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